2009年3月16日 星期一

Taipei express way Marathon

Last Sunday morning, I went to Taipei for 10K express way running with my friends. That was my second time to join the running game. We got up earlier than last time ING marathon. So we had enough time to warm up.
But we didn't do any practice before this game. So each of us got twitch. And we also saw a man fell down at 8KM. Many people tried to save him, I heard people said he got save after the electric shock. Thank god!!!
My result is 1 hr and 9 min. Running on the express way is really special and we all treasure this chance, so we all shit in the WC on the way and lay down on the road for a while. We can't do the things like these in general, so that's one of the reasons we participate.
Next time is Supau road running on 5/3. Only charge 100 NTD. Our goal is "drink the Supau as much as we can".
